Sunday, March 1, 2015

Let's meet in the Doctors' Lounge

In September of last year, we participated in a System-wide survey of you and your fellow physicians --  community-based voluntary staff, full-time staff, the young as well as old timers like me.  This was called an "engagement" survey, and it was about how good a job hospital leaders are doing at making YOUR hospital a very positive part of your professional life.

Some of what you told us was reassuring.  A very high percentage of you felt that the hospital "cared about its patients" and about "providing high quality care."  You gave very high marks to our Nursing staff, Radiology services and the Laboratory.

Other areas were not as positive.  Many felt that the "climate of trust" was not what it should, that your input into matters that affect your practice was insufficient and that leadership up and down the organization could do a better job communicating with you.

Which brings us to The Doctors' Lounge.  These days, sustaining communication among ourselves as physicians is more challenging than ever before.  Which means, to my mind, that we need to find each other everywhere we can - on the floors, in the ED, at old-fashioned live meetings (if we can find the time to get there), via email and other electronic media -- like this blog, intended as a place for us to get together and exchange ideas.

I'll tell you what.  Don't meet me half way.  Just 1/10th of the way will do it!  I'll maintain the blog site and set up the posts, and monitor the Comments.  What I'd like you to is to commit to going onto the blog once in a while, just for the two minutes it takes to read what's there.  If you're inspired, perturbed or otherwise motivated to say something, please do so!   Challenge us, so that we can work together to create and sustain an environment that helps you take care of patients, helps you with your educational needs and maybe even enriches your professional life.  Meet me in the Doctors' Lounge.


  1. I think this blog is a great idea. I understand that the McKesson EMR is going away by 2018. Is that true? What's next?

    1. You are more or less correct. The current platform, "Horizon," is being retired at that time. Together with the NSLIJ Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO), we will need to make decisions about the next generation EMR for our hospital, most likely over the next 6 - 12 months. An important consideration of course will be ease of use for our physicians.


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